
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Scavenger Hunt

This week, my students created an “ways to make _#_” poster. After a brief mini lesson, pairs of students were given a numeral card containing a number less than 100. First, students used 1-inch square tiles to build all the possible arrays of their number. Next, students cut arrays out of grid paper and glued them onto an 11x17 piece of copy paper. My kiddos also wrote the dimensions on the outside of each array and listed the all of the factors from least to greatest. In years past, I have allowed my students to work on their posters for 3-4 days, but I found the richness is in the discussion afterward not in the poster making itself. This year for day 2, I created a scavenger hunt and a complete set of posters. I wanted to have my own set of posters that I knew were accurate and easy to read for the scavenger hunt. We began day 2 with a scavenger hunt which required students to look at the posters for number of arrays, dimensions, and factors. My students LOVED the scavenger hunt! They were completely engaged. Afterward we had a great discussion on prime numbers, composite numbers, square numbers, and odd numbers. I have created a set of printable factor posters. Check them out in my TpT store. 

27 Factor Posters

Last week, we made an array city on the wall outside our classroom. This great idea came from E is for Explore!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Best Move Ever

I am one of those people that have a million ideas. Every once and a while I think one of my ideas qualifies as genius. This is one of those ideas. Two weeks ago, I moved my red kidney table from the back of the room to the front of the room. Let me tell you, this was the BEST classroom rearrangement ever!! At the beginning of class, my kiddos that need a little extra help grab their math journals and meet at my red table. During whole group instruction, these students have a front row seat which is perfect because a few students struggle with attention issues. During small group intervention, I have access to my Promethean board which is FANtastic!! I also have a better view of the entire classroom. I have worked out a system in which I have six students around my table at a time. I keep a 7th seat to my right as a “feeder seat” which I use if I see a student is struggling and needs one on one. There is even space on the floor to my left where a pair of students may work playing a math game. Let me tell you, I LOVE my table at the front!!
This week, one of my sweet kiddos gave me an apple with a division symbol on it.---How Neat!!