
Monday, January 13, 2014

Want to Get on the Right Track with Word Problems?

I have been working on a set of 26 task cards involving multiplication and division situations. Each task card contains a picture and two questions. Some problems have extra information, require students to interpret remainders, or require students to use the answer from the first problem to solve the second. (Common Core Standard 4.OA.3) The set includes a student record sheet and an answer key. Since understanding word problems is a skill in which so many students need extra practice, I decided to share my task cards with my Facebook Fans. Not a fan yet? Go to Facebook, click "like" then access the "Fan Freebies" tab.

***Update 1/6/15 This resource above is no longer available on my Facebook page; however, it is available for purchase in my TpT store. Click here to check it out.  You are now able to get my Cooperative Table Mats when you like my Facebook. I love this set of table mats because my students are continually working in cooperative groups. These mats make partnering up a breeze. They are available for groups of 4 or groups of 6. Like my Facebook page to get your FREE set of table mats!!


  1. THANK YOU for the freebie!! Wow this is EXACTLY what I need!

    Alexis at Laugh, Eat & Learn

    1. You are welcome. I am so glad it is something you could use.

  2. Is this still a freebie? Is so, how do I access it? I liked your page on FB but I cannot seem to find it...

  3. Is this still a freebie? Is so, how do I access it? I liked your page on FB but I cannot seem to find it...

  4. Hi, Mvel. I am sorry, No. This resource is no longer available on my Facebook page. I have add a great set of Cooperative Table Mats as a fan freebie. This set is in my TpT store if you want to check it out. It has been updated and is currently on sale.
    Thanks for visiting my blog,
