
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Number Fluency + Freebie

At this point in the year, I can give my 4th graders an addition problem and they whip out a piece of paper and pencil and produce a correct answer. On the other hand, I have a few kiddos that could add all day on paper but cannot manipulate numbers in their heads. This is why I have been thinking about number fluency, the ability to add and subtract within a specific number mentally. Somewhere along the way these kiddos missed this skill.

According to TNCore,
  • Kinders should be able to add and subtract within 5
  • Firsties should be able to add and subtract within 10
  • Second graders should be able to add fluently within 20

I have created a FREE product on fluency with 10 for my Kindergarten and First grade friends. Click here to Grab your freebie!



  1. I just discovered your blog via TNotebook. Love it! Just adding you to my blog roll. You might stop by my blog, love2learn2day to visit. I mostly blog about 5th grade math. Keep up the good work!

  2. How cute! Thank you for sharing! I was hoping you might hop over to my blog and enter my giveaway! Thanks!!
    Teacher’s Lounge

  3. Thank you, Brooke. I am a fourth grade teacher and number fluency really is a drag for these kids when they need to be able to multiply single digits quickly and accurately. more and more, I've started seeing how word problems help to solve a lot of different math needs.
    - Rob
    Everyday Math

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you, Brooke. I am a fourth grade teacher and number fluency really is a drag for these kids when they need to be able to multiply single digits quickly and accurately. more and more, I've started seeing how word problems help to solve a lot of different math needs.

  6. Thanks for sharing, this really did help!
