
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Addition Strategies

Updated 2/26/15
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
My class has been working on their fluency with addition. During number talks, they have opportunities to think about numbers mentally. At first, so many of my students thought mental math was invisible stacking. I saw some of them “writing” on the air. Now, they are beginning to think about numbers in new ways. They are breaking numbers up by their place value or finding close benchmark numbers. I am so proud of my kiddos. I created an addition strategy graphic organizer for my students to keep in their math journals as a reference. I also let them take a copy home to discuss the strategies they are using in class with their parents. Click here to download your FREE graphic organizer!


  1. This is amazing! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! This is great!

  3. Graphic organizer charts are a common name given to charts that can illustrate facts, concept, and ideas in a way that can be understood visually. Graphic organizers can also be used to help kids break down math problems into smaller steps. Each printable Math Graphic Organizer Template comes with at least one filled-in example.
