
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Math Machine

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

I have used peer helpers for years in my classroom. Together with my students, we really can divide and conquer. My kiddo love to help each other!! Taking advantage of peer helpers gives me more time to work with my small groups.

For spiral review, I determine which students should be helpers based on their performance on previous classroom tests. I usually pull a small group for intervention on the skill while the helpers partner up with one or two of their peers. Depending on the skill, I may provide an answer key to my helpers to make confirming correct answers quicker.
For new concepts, I give students an assignment to complete while I work with my small groups. Using a premade key, I quickly check the first few students who finish the assignment. The students who correctly complete the assignment may help their peers and check their work. These students may use their own work as a key. Each helper has a green pen which they use to mark correct problems leaving incorrect problems blank.
This year, I created a Math Machine Helper Badge for my helpers. Each helper will get a badge and a green pen. Click here to get your Free Math Machine Helper Badges!

Update: I have started using the Math Machine Badges differently in my classroom. Students now earn a math machine badge by standing out as a mathematician through their insight, math talk, problem solving, effort, collaboration, etc. As I observe these things I give the students the badge immediately, so that they know why I am giving them the badge. Let me tell you they wear the badges with pride!  



  1. I'm a new follower. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm thinking this peer helper idea would work great in my K/1 classroom. The first graders would love to wear the badges!
    Teaching Resources for the Classroom

  2. Thank you for linking up this week at Classroom Freebie's Manic Monday'! This is just terrific, I'm your latest Pinterest, Blog and Blog Lovin' Follower!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!
